Hello there!
Another month has passed, and it is time for another edition of our newsletter!
Here you will find empowering news as we dedicated a section of our newsletter for women as we celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s month in the Philippines this March.
Check out the latest updates as EA PH held a sharing session for student chapter leaders to talk about their learnings and achievements last semester. Also discover some intriguing updates from our student chapters, EA Blue and EA UP Diliman.
News in EA Philippines
Student Chapter Leaders Socials and Sharing Session
Student leaders from across EA PH's student chapters gathered last Saturday at UP Diliman's Student Union building to discuss and share their experiences, achievements, and learnings from last semester. Read more
Community-led IIDM Reading Group Lightning Talks
The last session of the community members-led weekly discussion group on Improving Institutional Decision-making (IIDM) was held last Saturday, 11 March. Participants of the discussion group presented key insights and learnings from their chosen IIDM resource. Read more
If interested, you can access the presentations here.
Our Reading Group Program
Have you ever wanted to discuss a certain cause area from an EA book or resource you read?
Here is your chance with the Reading Group Program!
Simply form a group of at least 3 people, choose a main point-person, and book a call with our associate director, Alethea Cendaña!
You can read more about the reading program here.
News in EA Blue
Student Chapter Leaders Socials and Sharing Session
Tea Time with EA Blue was launched last February 23. The first event of three, the session started with a roundtable discussion facilitated by Sam Ackary with the topic “What does EA sucks at.” This provided a space for members to criticize gaps within the EA movement and identify the challenges and opportunities for South East Asian members such as themselves.
The second discussion was led by Michael Lopez II about “How to learn more efficiently.” Michael outlined principles that can help members with their EA learning and personal development.
Introductory Fellowship 05 Kick-off Socials
EA Blue concluded the application and facilitator recruitment process for their 5th Cycle of the Introductory Fellowship last February 22.
On March 6, they conducted a virtual IF Kick-off Socials with their facilitators and fellows. This event allowed fellows to meet other participants apart from their cohort members and to be one with the EA Blue community before their 8-week journey learning effective altruism formally begins.
Stay tuned for more updates at EA Blue
News in EA UP Diliman
EA UPD Socials
In an enthusiastic first week back on campus, members of EA UPD gathered at Gyud Food Market last February 15 for a night of catching up and socializing.
New and returning members got to know each other and talk about their ideas and plans for another exciting semester ahead. The fun night ended with the members attending the UP Fair.
EA UPD Plan Sem
Last February 19, the EA UPD Executive Board held a hybrid Plan Sem to prepare for the 2nd semester of A.Y. ‘22-’23.
Among the plans discussed were upcoming events, transition to the face-to-face setup, and the restructuring of the organization's operations. The Executive Board looks forward to a productive semester of learning and helping others together with the EA community.
EA UPD General Assembly 1.0
On March 11, EA UPD held its first General Assembly for this semester via Zoom.
The Executive Board presented their plans, announcements, and expectations for the coming months. Among them, EA UPD plans to hold a tambay week on campus this month for members to hang out with each other, have fruitful discussions, and welcome applicants.
Stay tuned for more updates at EA UP Diliman
Janai and Red’s Last Message to the Community
Two of EA Philippines’ 2022 core team members bid their farewell last month as they take up new roles in the other organizations.
Janaisa Baril, previously the Communications and Events Associate of EA PH, is now pursuing a full-time role as one of the co-founders and the Director of Social Media and Outreach of Animal Empathy Philippines.
Janai’s last message to the community
As I reflect on my journey as part of this community, I am struck by how much I have grown and learned along the way. I have been inspired by the incredible people I have met, and have been humbled by their dedication, passion, and perseverance in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Through their example, I have discovered a deeper sense of connection to the world around me.
While I still struggle with self-doubt and uncertainty at times, I know that I am not alone in this. We all have our own insecurities and fears to grapple with, but it is through facing these challenges head-on that we grow and become stronger. It is through taking action, no matter how small, that we begin to make a real difference in the world.
So always remember that we all have that incredible potential to create a better world. It’s already within us so let’s continue to show up, support each other, and strive to make your mark on the world the best way we know how. In doing so, we not only try to make an impact in the lives of others, we also enrich our own lives immeasurably.
Meanwhile, Red Bermejo, previously the Associate Director of EA PH, is now pursuing a full-time role as an Executive Director of Anti Entropy.
Red’s last message to the community
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the opportunity to work alongside such an incredible team and in serving this community. It has been an honor to support student groups, mentor individuals, and provide career advice to those who share our commitment to making the world a better place.
Although I won't be focusing on community organizing, my door is always open to anyone who may need support, guidance, or simply someone to talk to. Whether it's navigating a challenging career transition, seeking advice on Effective Altruism and operations, or just looking for a listening ear, I am here for you.
As I reflect on my time with EA Philippines, I am filled with hope and optimism for the future - confident that our community will continue to grow and thrive with its next generation of leaders, creating meaningful impact on the world.
Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this journey. I look forward to staying in touch and continuing to work towards a better future, together.
Upcoming Conferences
If you’re considering applying, kindly check first this forum post on updates on spending for CEA-run events.
[April 21-23, 2023]
[Deadline March 28, 2023]
[May 19-21, 2023]
[Deadline April 28, 2023]
[June 9-11, 2023]
[Applications will open soon!]
• EA Global Boston 2023
[Oct 27-29, 2023]
[Deadline October 12, 2023]
Check out the EA Global website to be updated with upcoming events!
Attended EAGxSingapore and/or EAGxVirtual 2022?
CEA would like to understand how EAGx events in 2022 impacted their participants. If you have 10 minutes to spare, they’d really appreciate it if you could complete this short survey.
To encourage responses, CEA will be offering a $500 prize to a randomly selected survey participant. To enter the prize draw, you just need to complete the survey.
Upcoming Workshops
Global Challenges Project Existential Risks Workshop
• May 26 - 29, 2023 Oxford, UK
• June 30 - July 3, 2023 Berkeley, USA
Express your interest while slots are available through here
News relevant to the Philippines
Be in the loop with local news and resources.
• Animal Empathy Philippines' Alternative Proteins in the Philippines: Scoping Report
(20 mins. read)
• Veggie imports on the rise as more Filipinos embrace plant-based diet
(2 mins. read)
(~1 hr. read)
• A circular economic model for responsible stewardship of the environment
(4 mins. read)
• Address ‘inadequate’ PH transport infrastructure with long-term plan, increased investments
(3 mins. read)
• Philippine provinces among areas at most risk from climate damage
(1 min. read)
• People-centered and responsible use of AI
(5 mins. read)
• Why jeepney phaseout is anti-poor, will do little for environment
(4 mins. read)
Foreign EA-related news
All things AI has been on the loop lately. Learn more about it and other important updates in the global community.
• What does Bing Chat tell us about AI risk?
— by Holden Karnofsky
(2 mins. read)
— Sam Altman
(11 mins. read)
• After launch. How are CE charities progressing?
— by Charity Entrepreneurship and Ula Zarosa
(7 mins. read)
— by Ángela Aristizábal, Laura González, Hugo Ikta, Miguel Alvarado, Miriam Huerta, Sandra Malagon
(9 mins. read)
• Why I think it's important to work on AI forecasting
— by Matthew Barnett
(12 mins. read)
• Evidence on how cash transfers empower women in poverty
— by Give Directly
(2 mins. read)
• Counterproductive Altruism: The Other Heavy Tail
— by Vasco Grilo
(8 mins. read)
Some interesting reads
A list of some interesting and detailed resources we found
• A list of EA-relevant business books I've read
— by Drew Spartz
(7 mins. read)
• Why I love effective altruism
— by Michelle Hutchinson
(6 mins. read)
• 80,000 Hours has been putting much more resources into growing our audience
— by Bella Forristal
(8 mins. read)
— by Jeff Kaufman
(3 mins. read)
Women empowerment through technology
This section is dedicated to women in our community, recognizing that every step we take towards a more just and inclusive society is a step forward for all.
For this year’s theme in international women’s day, we believe in equal rights and opportunities for everyone and acknowledge the role of innovation and technology in creating a safer, more inclusive digital world where everyone can achieve their full potential, regardless of gender.
(3 mins. read)
• New factsheet highlights gender disparities in innovation and technology
(4 mins. read)
• Digitalization and enhanced data governance for Filipino women’s political participation
(3 mins. read)
• Profiles of Women for the Future
(10 mins. read)
- A list of various women around the world who are currently trailblazers in their respective fields.
Opportunities in EA-aligned organizations
Below are some featured opportunities that are accessible to Filipinos from our Opportunities Board. It shows all the current opportunities available (full-time, part-time, internship, and volunteer opportunities). It also has links to other relevant places where you can find impactful jobs, and we also include there how we choose which jobs to feature.
Our opportunities board has remote jobs from foreign EA organizations, and also some roles at local organizations that we either think are impactful to work for, or they provide good experience and skills for making an impact later on.
Remote opportunities from foreign EA-aligned organizations
Worldview Investigation Quantitative Researcher- Rethink Priorities
[Deadline: Mar. 19, 2023]
Student Changemaker - Alt Protein Project
[Deadline: Mar. 31, 2023]
Executive Director - Effective Thesis
[Deadline: Mar. 22, 2023]
Chief of Staff / Chief Operating Officer - Effective Institutions Project
[Rolling Applications]
Research Analyst - Charity Entrepreneurship
[Rolling Applications]
Program Manager - Rethink Wellbeing
[Rolling Applications]
Take the challenge and participate in these Opportunities
Research contests to advance AI alignment - AI Alignment Awards
[Deadline: May 1, 2023]
Create a visual map of the AGI safety ecosystem - Superlinear
[No deadline specified as of the moment]
Most Important Century Writing Prize - Superlinear
[No deadline specified as of the moment]
Opportunities for Filipino EAs
Fellowship Program - WeSolve Foundation
[Deadline: Mar. 18, 2023]
Associate Director - IDInsight Philippines
[No deadline specified as of the moment]
Impact & Process Improvement (Senior) Associate - IDInsight Philippines
[Rolling Applications]
Advisor, Right-Fit Evidence - Innovations for Poverty Action
[Rolling Applications]
Research Associate (Panel Survey) - Innovations for Poverty Action
[Rolling Applications]
Research Manager - Innovations for Poverty Action
[Rolling Applications]
Senior Research Associate-Innovations for Poverty Action
[Rolling Applications]
EA Philippines’ Statement on Sexual Harassment
The EA Philippines core team would like to address the recent troubling revelations told via a TIME article on some women experiencing sexual harassment and abuse in the EA community abroad. Like most readers of the article, we felt sadness, shock, and anger to learn about these.
This is why we are issuing a statement to assure every individual in our community on our stand against sexual harassment.
If you have felt harassed by a particular member (local or foreign), or have suggestions on how we can collectively avoid these unwanted behaviors, please do not hesitate to let us know directly or through our anonymous feedback form. We will do our best to investigate or address the matter.
We also encourage you to take note of the government’s emergency hotline 911 where you can report any forms of violence (such as rape and abuse).
For those who are not sure what counts as a form of sexual harassment, you can read EA UK’s Sexual Harassment Policy to know more.
Lastly, you can read the responses of Catherine Low and Julia Wise from CEA’s Community Health Team regarding the circumstances mentioned in the TIME article.
EA Philippines Anonymous Feedback Form
As a response to some of our members noting that sometimes it is uncomfortable for them to provide direct feedback to some EA PH members, we decided to create this form so you may raise any concerns you have related to EA Philippines, including on any of our projects, leaders, volunteers, or community members.
Feedback here will be visible to the EA Philippines core team: Elmerei Cuevas, Althy Cendaña, Tanya Quijano, Jay Chang, and Brian Tan.
We may follow up with your answers via chat or a call if you would like us to.
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EA Philippines